Your gift helps support vibrant, inspiring Jewish learning
Supporting Limmud Oz means supporting vibrant, inclusive, challenging and inspiring Jewish engagement. Be part of building an open-minded, curious community that values listening to and learning from all types of Jews.
How to donate
As a newly formed independent organisation, we are in the process of obtaining DGR (deductible gift recipient) status. In the meantime, donations are tax deductible under an Auspice Agreement with our partner Shalom.
To make a tax deductible donation, transfer funds to the following account, labelled with your name and Limmud Oz Sydney:
The Shalom Institute
BSB: 012-303
A/C: 482116005
Please also email us to let us know that you’ve made a donation, so that we can send your tax deductible receipt. Thank you!
Your impact
Whether your gift is large or small, you can rest assured it will be put to good use! These are some examples of the impact of your gift.
$18 – social media promotion
$36 – subsidy for concession card holder
$360 – flight costs for interstate presenter
$1800 – printing for program handbooks
$3600 – flight costs for international presenter